The Saskatoon Highland Dancing Association was formed in 1954 and exists to promote the art of Highland Dancing and the Scottish culture of its origin. The SHDA brings a wee bit of Scotland to Saskatoon and area through performances, workshops, competitions, and family events. We also host the Scottish Pavilion at Folkfest, Saskatoon’s terrific multicultural festival held each year in mid-August.

What does SHDA do for your dancer?
The SHDA organizes and runs all the dance competitions in the city with the support and knowledge of our dance teachers. These dance competitions provide the dancers with wonderful opportunities to showcase their skills as well as advance in the highland dance world. Without these local dance competitions our dancers would have to travel for ALL their competitions. These competitions cost our organization approximately $4000 per competition. Where do these funds come from you ask? Well, that is where our hard work during Folkfest pays off. Folkfest is currently our only major fundraiser. It is through the dedication and time put into this once-a-year event that we raise the funds needed to put on our 3 annual competitions.
It is that time again… time to renew your ScotDance Canada Cards! The form is available here: 2019 Dancer Registration Form – SDSK. Please read the Code of Ethics with your dancer before signing. Always mail your forms to the address on the form, please. This is the card that has a picture of the dancer on the front, that you require to compete. This will also be the form to use if your dancer moves categories throughout the year.
Mailing Address of SHDA:
1701 Ruth Street E. Saskatoon, S7J 0L7